[HK] Conch (Mini)
【香港】景泰藍掐絲琺瑯工作坊 - 法螺(小)
Workshop Details 工作坊詳情
The right-spiraling white conch shell represents the beautiful, deep, melodious, interpenetrating and pervasive sound of the dharma, which awakens disciples from the deep slumber of ignorance and urges them to accomplish their own welfare for the welfare of others. In Tibetan Buddhism, the conch shell is blown from the rooftops of monasteries to gather monks together and announce religious assemblies. During the exercise of rituals, it is used as a musical instrument and as a means to contain holy water. In addition, conch shell horns are blown as a sound offering to the universe. When the conch shell is placed on top of an altar it functions as a symbolic reminder of the great Buddha and his teachings. A 5-hour Cloisonne Filigree experience for beginners that includes - Introduction to Tibetan Thangka art and Cloisonne Filigree craftsmanship - Appreciation of Cloisonne Filigree Thangka works of Master Tsultrim Norbu - Demonstration of Cloisonne Filigree technique - Make your own Cloisonne Filigree art piece (graphic draft hand-drawn by Master Tsultrim Norbu) - Cloisonne pigment mineral glaze of your choice (subject to colour availability) Workshop fee: HK$900 (all materials, mini easel stand, instructional fee inclusive) Duration: 5 hours (overrun charges are waived for the first 30 minutes, HK$150 per hour after) Size of artwork: 15cm in diameter You can reschedule a scheduled session one time 24 hours prior to the session appointment. The completed artwork requires drying overnight. Please arrange self pick-up within 14 working days or delivery by SF Express (paid by recipient). 法螺又稱寶螺、金剛螺、法蠡。因其聲徹遠方,故於寺院中作為召集僧眾的法器,至今沿用不衰。尤其是藏傳佛教寺院,僧舍遠近錯落,用法螺召集僧眾,聲聞數里,平時亦使用於法會。此外,佛教中多用右旋白螺,是為希有奇寶,喻正法殊勝難得、純淨之意。《法華經‧序品》云:「今佛世尊欲說大法,雨大法雨,吹大法螺……」以吹法螺之音聲悠揚遠播,來比喻佛陀法音宣流──佛說法之妙音圓通無礙,廣被大眾,遐邇皆聞;眾生聞已,隨根信解,能滅重罪或生善道。 5小時景泰藍掐絲琺瑯製作體驗(適合初學者)課堂內容: - 西藏唐卡和景泰藍掐絲工藝簡介 - 欣賞次成諾布大師的景泰藍掐絲唐卡作品 - 示範景泰藍掐絲技巧 - 學習製作景泰藍掐絲琺瑯畫(指定藏式圖案由次成諾布大師親畫) - 可自選景泰藍釉料顏色(共三十色) 費用:HK$900(包括所有工具材料、迷你畫架、導師費用) 時間:5小時(超時首30分鐘免費,其後每小時收取 HK$150) 作品尺寸:15cm (直徑) 您可以在預約時間前24小時更改課堂時間一次。 完成作品需留在工作室過夜待乾,請於14個工作天內預約時間取回作品或可安排順豐到付。

Free cancellation within 24 hours prior to course start time
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.
Contact 聯絡
LIVIN XPERIENCE, Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong